Punti Informazione

dove ci trovi

The consortium, founded in July 2018, brings together about 30 members and is a solid reality, branched and reference point for tourists in the Stura Valley and for operators in the tourist, commercial and local crafts. It carries out a work of synergy and coordination of the resources of individual members, which include: hoteliers, restaurateurs, nature guides, producers, commercial companies and managers of outdoor activities.

The consortium that deals with the tourist and cultural promotion of the Stura Valley, also manages, on behalf of the Unione Montana Valle Stura, the Porta di Valle – Tourist Office.

Our main activities are: coordination and organization of tourist experiences, collaboration with members in the organization of events and/or initiatives, training for operators through specialized courses and discussion tables.

Our strength is represented by the multiplicity of participating activities that allow a knowledge and enhancement of the territory in the naturalistic, sports, receptive and gastronomic.



Tel. o Whatsapp: +39 328 2032182
