Montagna in movimento

Multimedia routes through the Southern Alps

Today the Fort of Vinadio hosts “Montagna in Movimento” (Mountain in Motion), a series of multimedia installations that introduce visitors to the world of the Southern Alps.

About forty interactive and synchronized video environments, more than sixty video programs mark the exhibition route and are divided into six thematic areas: Intro, The Alps in the center, Environment and territory, Man and the Alps, Crisis of a civilization, The frontiers of the future. Some objects proposed in original or in copy become a sort of material symbol of the various topics treated. The images and testimonies were collected in the valleys Po, Varaita, Maira, Grana, Stura, Gesso, Vermenagna and Pesio, without forgetting the relationship with the French side.


Forte Albertino Vinadio
Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 8


From June to October
giugno: sab 14.30-19.00, dom e festivi 10.00-19.00
luglio: da gio a sab 14.30-19.00, dom 10.00-19.00
agosto: lun-sab 14.30-19.00, dom e festivi 10.00-19.00
settembre: sab 14.30-19.00, dom e festivi 10.00-19.00
ottobre: dom 14.30-19.00


€7 full price, €5 reduced ticket

+39 3404962384

+39 0171 959151 / 0171 1670042